How to Leave a Legacy of Love

I spent months preparing a speech, excavating the depths of my soul to uncover the next layer of my beliefs, my message, and my contribution.  I worked with a speaking coach, did a 90 day meditation to balance my throat chakra, journaled like a maniac, and stress ate tons of dark chocolate.    

Things got real, lovely. I cried, I freaked out, and I laughed at myself often. I was all IN, and as the event approached I felt confident and excited to share my talk on How to Leave a Legacy of Love  – a true paradigm shift on how we live, lead and love. 

And then… a few days before the event I got a sinking feeling that *something* was missing. Not in the message itself, but in HOW I was sharing it. Like there was a side of me I wasn’t fully showing on stage. So I chose to be real, raw, and kinda rizdiculous. In other words, I chose to be me.  

Yep, that’s me rapping on stage. I still cringe every time I watch it (did I really do that in public? WTF?! That’s only supposed to happen in the privacy of my own home…). 

The crazy thing? I want to do it again, in front of more people. Not just the rapping (ha!) or hip circles (yep, did that too!), but more importantly I’m on fire about sharing this powerful message far and wide because it is so needed in these times. 

If you agree, I’d love your support and partnership in spreading this message, lovely.  Here’s a simple way you can help. I applied to lead a session at SXSW 2020 conference and festival, a huge gathering of creators, and I need your vote! 

Click [HERE] to help me get this message on a bigger stageWhen you click through, simply tap the “vote up” button on the top left that looks like this:

With your vote, I’ll lead an interactive session on how we can make an impact in our homes and in the world from a place of vitality instead of fatigue; resilience instead of stress; and receptivity instead of hustle. Enlovened and enlivened.

Voting closes Friday so please take a sec to vote here now and let me know in the comments below. I SO appreciate it and I SO appreciate you.

Big love,