Every Day is Mother’s Day: A Mantra to Move You Through the Miracles + Mess

Motherhood affects us all. It starts with our relationship (or not) with our mothers, and this can be beautiful, messy, or both.

And our decision to mother (or not), which can be straightforward, complicated, or both.

And the judgment and pressure we face from others about our decision to have children (or not), which can be subtle, flagrant, or both.

And the privilege (or pain) of conceiving (or not), which can fill our hearts, break them into a million pieces, or both.

And the gift (or challenge) of carrying a child to term (or not), which can explode our hearts with deep gratitude, bottomless grief, or both.

And the joy of birthing, fostering, adopting, step-mothering, and raising a child which can light us up, bring us to our knees, or both.

And the honor of nurturing others (big or small) in their most tender moments, which can be easeful, uncomfortable, or both.

And the learning curve of mothering ourselves (and allowing ourselves to be mothered), which can drown us in love, inner child tears, or both.

And the persistent guilt for not being the mother you should be, the child you wanted to be, or both.

And the deep, deep sorrow of not knowing, being estranged from, or losing a mother, a child, or both.

And the worry of reaching the end of your life and leaving behind a mother, a child, or both.

Every day is Mother’s Day. It’s happy. It’s sad. It’s both. 


Moving through the Miracles & the Mess: A Mantra 

Motherhood begins with love and ends with love, and in the process cracks our hearts open. What helps us navigate the ebb and flow of these wild, unpredictable waters without losing it? 

Being. Noticing. Asking for support. Feeling.  Receiving. Holding.  Centering. Exploring. Cultivating a resilient heart. Trusting. Healing. Surrendering. Embracing. 

May we lean on and feel held by each other, without shame.

May we lean on and feel held by ourselves, without judgment. 

May we lean on and feel held by Mother Earth and the Divine Mother – the Mata Shakti – without hesitation.

Here is a mantra I draw strength from and vibrate to tune into the primal mother energy and anchor me on this journey.

Kundalini Bhakti Mantra 

     Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo 

     Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo 

     Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo 

     Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo 

By chanting this Sanskrit mantra we are bowing to and calling on the primal power – the all encompassing creative power and energy – of the Divine Mother.

Tender. Fierce. Both.

Embracing. Protective. Both.

Infinite. Imperfect. Both